It’s National Puppy Day!

Truly… is there anything cuter?!

They are just so fun and so funny, too! How they endlessly explore and get into everything and sniff with their wagging tail… how they love playing fetch and look up at you with those sweet, tender eyes.

Makes my heart melt… Yours, too?

In my book, The Heart to Dance, whenever Alexis visits her grandmother, Numsie, in Paris, she can’t wait to see Bijou, Numsie’s bichon frisé. Alexis has adored her since she was a puppy and loves scooping her up and talking to her and snuggling with her, too.

So for those of you who have puppies, how about celebrating with special treats, or extra time at the park, or doing what they love with lots of cuddling, too. Or how about picking up a sweet rescue and making their day!

Happy National Puppy Day to you!

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