
What Do You Hear?

Our five senses are rather amazing. God pretty much thought of everything, don’t you think? It’s easy to take them for granted, but let’s take a look at one of them, and think about all that you hear. What do you listen to? And what are your favorites? If you have nothing else to do right now, why don’t you even make a list . . .shutterstock_67125739

Maybe it’s chirping crickets or the howling wind or some other late night sound on that camping trip you went on with your family this summer. Or how about the crunching as you’re munching raw vegies or popcorn or some kind of tasty chips? Or maybe it’s listening to favorite tunes with your friends . . .

Some sounds are loud, some soft, some you might love, some others you might love not! But whatever they are it’s quite truly amazing when you think of all that you hear throughout the day.

But have you discovered what the most awesome thing is to hear above anything else? God’s voice. The voice of the One who created the universe and the One who created YOU! He knows everything about you and everything you’re going through, and He absolutely knows what’s best for your life. Are you listening to Him? Are you hearing Him speak? If so, I’m sure you know there’s nothing like it, and you don’t ever want to stop. If not, just know He’s got something to say to you . . . all the time . . . about everything in your life. What you’re doing, where you’re going, and about those perfect plans He has for you.

John 10:27 says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” He speaks to us in “a still small voice.” 1 Kings 19:12

So what’s He been telling you lately? If you haven’t heard, be still and expect and wait. Just know He’s got something to say . . . especially just for you.


HeartDream Chat – What do you love to listen to? Are you also hearing from God? If so, tell a friend what He’s been telling you. I know she’d love to hear.