
End-of-Summer Blues?

Have a good summer? Or maybe you’re wishing it’s not over yet. Still thinking about that family vacation at the beach or that awesome week at camp? Whatever you did, I hope you had fun.shutterstock_78472801

Now with the new school year, are you ready to dive in? For some, you’ve already started.

But if you’re not quite in that place, just know that even though change may not always be fun, we’re all in this together . . . It’s just a part of life.

What’s cool is our memories and how God gave them to us . . . a place we can go like it happened yesterday, and we can go there whenever we’d like. But just know there are more memories to make and greater adventures ahead.

Revelation 21:5 says, “Behold, I make all things new.”

So how about envisioning this upcoming season? What are those dreams and desires in your heart? And once you can name them, remember it’s God who put them there.

So just go about your way and trust Him to bring them to pass, and I bet that’ll soon end those end-of-summer blues . . . !!


HeartDream Chat – What’s your most awesome summer memory? What dreams do you have for this new season ahead?