
What Are You Waiting For?

Waiting . . . we all do it. We wait for someone, or for someone to do something, or for something to happen, or for that special day that seems like forever in coming. Is it having your best friend who just moved away to come back and visit? To hear if you made the soccer or drama or dance team? Or is it waiting for that cute guy you have a crush on to even notice you? Whatever it is, it’s usually not easy and totally not fun, but just seems to be a part of life, right?shutterstock_112925209

When you think about it, if we got everything we wanted when we wanted it, it just wouldn’t seem right. And can you think of a time when something good happened after you had to wait? Like it maybe helped you grow up a bit and appreciate things more?

Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Even though it’s hard to wait, remember that God’s right there with you and is working things out. And isn’t it awesome that He’s helping you and making you strong? That you’ll soar like eagles? And then when the time is right, He’ll bring about His awesome plans, and you’ll look back, knowing it was worth the wait.

So what are you waiting for? What does your heart desire? Whatever it is, just know there’s something good, really good, on the other side of that wait. And if you don’t get what you’ve asked for, just know He’s got something better . . . something greater than you could ever imagine. Remember, we’re talking about the creator of the universe here where nothing’s impossible. And while you wait, He’s making you strong, so the next time you wait, you’ll do even better. Could anything be better than that?


HeartDream Chat – Tell us what you’re waiting for. Then come back and tell how God answered your prayer.