
When You Don’t Know What To Do . . .

Do you ever feel stuck, like there’s no way out? When you feel you’ve tried everything, and nothing has worked? shutterstock_1435012

Maybe your best friend’s avoiding you. You know something’s wrong. But when you try bringing it up she says nothing is.

Or maybe your parents are arguing lots. You fear they’ll get divorced. Maybe you’re taking sides and feel stuck in the middle.

Or maybe you didn’t make the cheer team when you’d practiced for days.

If you’ve ever felt stuck, know that we’ve all felt that way. Know you’re not alone. So the next time it happens, remember God’s always with you. He has the answer you need.

And just how do you get that answer?

First, God wants you to pray. Give the problem to Him. Pour out your heart, and tell Him every detail, even though He knows about it, anyway.

Next, listen to what He’s telling you. Just be still and listen. He may give you the answer right then, but if not, He will.

Finally, while you wait, just trust Him. He loves you and wants the best for you and knows what you want and need.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

So what does that mean? . . . to not try and figure it out yourself. He wants you to look to Him and lean on Him. Remember, He’s the Creator of the universe and knows everything! He knows everything you’re going through and is saying, “Wait on me,” and “Trust me,” and He will answer your prayer.

So what do you do when you don’t know what to do? Pray to God who loves you. Then listen to Him and trust Him. He’ll give you the answer you need!


HeartDream Chat – What’s something you’ve felt stuck about? How did God answer your prayer?