
Jealous? Envious? Not!

Ever want something your best friend has? Or totally NOT your best friend? Or someone just passing by? Is it her cool hair? Fun clothes? Popularity? Or smarts?

Or maybe you dreamed of winning that contest, when someone else did . . .shutterstock_46888414

If that’s ever happened, it’s TOTALLY not fun. It’s being in that awful place called jealousy . . . envy . . . dying to have what someone else has.

But you know what? You don’t have to be there. Really. And God doesn’t want you to. In fact, He has a perfect plan that fits exactly who you are . . . your strengths, personality, talents, and desires . . . and you don’t have to compare or compete with anyone, because His plan is designed just for you.

And how do we know that? Take a look at Psalm 37:4. “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

Now how awesome is that? That when you think about Him, how amazing He is, He will truly give you what’s deep in your heart. So listen to your heart and discover what’s there. Do you love to draw? Bake yummy stuff? Ride horses? Help others? Remember that it’s God who’s put those desires there, and He’s the one who will bring them about. Now isn’t that just the best news yet? Is there anything better than being totally who you are?

So whenever feelings of jealousy or envy try to creep in, just remember God’s truth, and hug a friend instead!

Best Friends