
4th of July Freedom and Freedom in Christ

So the 4th is here! . . . the day our country declared freedom from England way back when . . . Yay! And we’ve been celebrating since!

There’s nothing like freedom, right? Free to be who you are . . . who God created you to be?

Did you know you can be free in Christ? Free from every worry and fear, from sickness and disease, fear of the future and all that’s been happening in our world? All it takes is trusting God with your life, and once you do that, He’ll do that for you!

John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” I love that God tells us to not be afraid . . . no matter what’s happening. And wow . . . isn’t that great??!!

So what are your plans for the 4th of July? A picnic, bar-b-que, or a day at the lake? Whatever you’re doing, you’re sure to have fun! And while you’re out watching every firework go off, how about casting every worry and fear onto Him, and once you’ve done that, you’ll be left with God’s peace 🙂

So a Happy Happy 4th to you, and God’s peace to you, too!

HeartDream Chat – How was your 4th? I’d love to hear . . . 🙂

No Fear

Do you ever feel afraid? I mean, really . . . we ALL do, right? Like telling your parents you messed up, or letting your best friend know she hurt your feelings big time, or perhaps freezing up when you’re speaking in front of a crowd? Are you afraid you’ll never be able to do what your heart longs to do? Like singing? Dancing? Or making the basketball team?shutterstock_78893794

Well . . . just so you know, God doesn’t want us to fear. He commands us not to. Isaiah 41:10 says, “Do not fear, for I am with you . . . I will strengthen you and help you.”

Did you know the Bible says to not fear over 100 times? Do you think God’s trying to tell us something?

So what do we do instead? Just turn everything over to Him, and watch what He’ll do. Know that He’s there to help. Walk by faith. And faith is trusting God to work things out . . . that is, everything . . . far greater than we could EVER imagine!

Just remember . . . the next time you start feeling afraid, STOP, because God’s got it taken care of. He really does. And isn’t it awesome that your loving heavenly father tells you to do exactly that?!
