
God’s Got This!

Hey, tween girls!

So how are things going? And what’s been happening? Fall’s sure in the air . . . !!

I LOVE the fall season . . . How about you??? I love the crisp air and the leaves changing to bright colors and falling from the trees . . .

A new season, new school year . . . There’s just something fun and fresh about that!

In spite of that, I’m guessing you’re uncertain about the pandemic and all. Maybe you’ve gotten used to doing the new ways of school, or maybe not! Or maybe there’ve been other ‘not fun’ things going on . . . Not getting with friends like you used to or doing things you love to do . . . Things are just different, that’s for sure!

But one thing is certain . . . We can always trust God. No matter what’s happening. He never changes. He’s always there. And what’s totally awesome is He works everything out for your good!

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” I love that truth!

In my book, The Heart to Dance, Alexis is heartbroken to not make her last audition. What if it happens again? But with help from her grandmother, Numsie, she learns to trust God. And you can do the same, too!

So whenever you’re going through a rough time, remember to lean not on your own understanding . . . Just lean back and trust God . . . God’s got this! Now what could be better than that?!

I invite you to pick up a copy of my book:)

HeartDream Chat – What have you been trusting God for? And how did it turn out?




4th of July Freedom and Freedom in Christ

So the 4th is here! . . . the day our country declared freedom from England way back when . . . Yay! And we’ve been celebrating since!

There’s nothing like freedom, right? Free to be who you are . . . who God created you to be?

Did you know you can be free in Christ? Free from every worry and fear, from sickness and disease, fear of the future and all that’s been happening in our world? All it takes is trusting God with your life, and once you do that, He’ll do that for you!

John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” I love that God tells us to not be afraid . . . no matter what’s happening. And wow . . . isn’t that great??!!

So what are your plans for the 4th of July? A picnic, bar-b-que, or a day at the lake? Whatever you’re doing, you’re sure to have fun! And while you’re out watching every firework go off, how about casting every worry and fear onto Him, and once you’ve done that, you’ll be left with God’s peace 🙂

So a Happy Happy 4th to you, and God’s peace to you, too!

HeartDream Chat – How was your 4th? I’d love to hear . . . 🙂

When You Don’t Know What To Do . . .

Do you ever feel stuck, like there’s no way out? When you feel you’ve tried everything, and nothing has worked? shutterstock_1435012

Maybe your best friend’s avoiding you. You know something’s wrong. But when you try bringing it up she says nothing is.

Or maybe your parents are arguing lots. You fear they’ll get divorced. Maybe you’re taking sides and feel stuck in the middle.

Or maybe you didn’t make the cheer team when you’d practiced for days.

If you’ve ever felt stuck, know that we’ve all felt that way. Know you’re not alone. So the next time it happens, remember God’s always with you. He has the answer you need.

And just how do you get that answer?

First, God wants you to pray. Give the problem to Him. Pour out your heart, and tell Him every detail, even though He knows about it, anyway.

Next, listen to what He’s telling you. Just be still and listen. He may give you the answer right then, but if not, He will.

Finally, while you wait, just trust Him. He loves you and wants the best for you and knows what you want and need.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

So what does that mean? . . . to not try and figure it out yourself. He wants you to look to Him and lean on Him. Remember, He’s the Creator of the universe and knows everything! He knows everything you’re going through and is saying, “Wait on me,” and “Trust me,” and He will answer your prayer.

So what do you do when you don’t know what to do? Pray to God who loves you. Then listen to Him and trust Him. He’ll give you the answer you need!


HeartDream Chat – What’s something you’ve felt stuck about? How did God answer your prayer?











What Are You Waiting For?

Waiting . . . we all do it. We wait for someone, or for someone to do something, or for something to happen, or for that special day that seems like forever in coming. Is it having your best friend who just moved away to come back and visit? To hear if you made the soccer or drama or dance team? Or is it waiting for that cute guy you have a crush on to even notice you? Whatever it is, it’s usually not easy and totally not fun, but just seems to be a part of life, right?shutterstock_112925209

When you think about it, if we got everything we wanted when we wanted it, it just wouldn’t seem right. And can you think of a time when something good happened after you had to wait? Like it maybe helped you grow up a bit and appreciate things more?

Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Even though it’s hard to wait, remember that God’s right there with you and is working things out. And isn’t it awesome that He’s helping you and making you strong? That you’ll soar like eagles? And then when the time is right, He’ll bring about His awesome plans, and you’ll look back, knowing it was worth the wait.

So what are you waiting for? What does your heart desire? Whatever it is, just know there’s something good, really good, on the other side of that wait. And if you don’t get what you’ve asked for, just know He’s got something better . . . something greater than you could ever imagine. Remember, we’re talking about the creator of the universe here where nothing’s impossible. And while you wait, He’s making you strong, so the next time you wait, you’ll do even better. Could anything be better than that?


HeartDream Chat – Tell us what you’re waiting for. Then come back and tell how God answered your prayer.   

Listen to Your Heart

I couldn’t believe it when I first heard that it’s God who puts dreams in our hearts. Now how cool is that?! And in thinking about it, it made total sense that our creator, the creator of the entire universe, could do just that!shutterstock_126882287

“Delight thyself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” – Psalm 37:4. I love that verse! What could be more exciting than knowing that God knows what I desire and will bring those dreams about. All I have to do is listen to Him and trust Him, and He’ll show me the way.

So what dreams has God put in your heart? Do you long to dance, sing, or write? To care for animals or nature or others in need? What are your passions? Desires? Those things you love to do? And if you’re not yet quite sure, just listen to your heart, and God will tell you. Then listen for His next step, and you’ll be at the start of the awesome adventure He has for you!

HeartDream Chat – What dreams has God put on your heart? I’d love to hear . . .
