
How Do I Look?

Can you imagine your day without looking in the mirror? But when you do look, do you love what you see? Or are there other times not? Do you love what God’s given you, or do you wish you looked different?shutterstock_99042647

Isn’t it all about hair and make-up and the clothes that you wear? And if not yet, maybe soon down the road? I mean, that’s what people first notice about you and what the world tells you, right?

Well, let me tell you what’s true . . . That’s not really so! Let’s look at what God says about this, anyway . . .

1 Peter 3:3-4 says, “Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.”

So what does that mean? . . . that you can’t have fun hair and cool outfits and look really great? That you need to be quiet? Now that doesn’t sound fun.

Well, it may sound like it, but want to know what it really means? That God loves that you want to look your best and to love your life. He just really does. He’s not against fun hairstyles and fashion and make-up. No way! And how do we know that? Because He’s a god of beauty and design. Just look at all He’s created . . . gorgeous flowers and trees . . . lovely snowfalls and sunsets, along with everything else! And because He’s so creative, He loves it when you are, too!

He enjoys when you love a new outfit or hairstyle or make-up and when you’re trying something new. He’s not against you having fun. He just wants you to know what’s most important . . . that true beauty comes from within. When you radiate kindness and love toward others is when you’re most beautiful and shows what’s in your heart.

And about being quiet? God created you to be totally you . . . to be who you are and to laugh, and yes, to have fun! He’d just rather you not do it in a loud arrogant way. He wants you to be other-centered and not self-centered . . . to not think more highly of yourself than someone else. Now doesn’t that feel right?

So if you ever start thinking it’s all about how you look, remember that true beauty comes from within and that nothing’s more beautiful than when you’re glowing with God.
