
Listen to Your Heart

I couldn’t believe it when I first heard that it’s God who puts dreams in our hearts. Now how cool is that?! And in thinking about it, it made total sense that our creator, the creator of the entire universe, could do just that!shutterstock_126882287

“Delight thyself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” – Psalm 37:4. I love that verse! What could be more exciting than knowing that God knows what I desire and will bring those dreams about. All I have to do is listen to Him and trust Him, and He’ll show me the way.

So what dreams has God put in your heart? Do you long to dance, sing, or write? To care for animals or nature or others in need? What are your passions? Desires? Those things you love to do? And if you’re not yet quite sure, just listen to your heart, and God will tell you. Then listen for His next step, and you’ll be at the start of the awesome adventure He has for you!

HeartDream Chat – What dreams has God put on your heart? I’d love to hear . . .
