
When Your Heart is Heavy

Feeling sad? Gloomy? Down in the dumps? If it makes you feel better, everyone does from time to time, so welcome to the human race! Maybe your dog just died, or your best friend is moving away, or your parents are getting a divorce. Whatever it is, feeling down is definitely not fun.shutterstock_19238281

Did you know that God created emotions? And that even Jesus wept? God knows everything that happens to you . . . He knows every detail. He knows what you’re going through when life is rough.

Psalm 147:3 says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” That’s the good news . . . that He’ll heal your broken heart and make things right, no matter what you’re going through. He will comfort you and strengthen you when times are tough, and He will lift you up.

So when your heart is heavy, look to Him and trust Him. He will heal your broken heart!
