
What’s on Your Mind?

Do you ever think about what you think about all day? Is it the fight you just had with your mom, or how awful that math test was, or maybe you’re jealous that your best friend gets all the attention and you’re feeling left out . . . Or are your thoughts . . . I know Mom and I don’t always agree, but that’s okay, because I know she still loves me. Or . . .  I really don’t like math – it’s just totally not my thing, but I’ll just do my best. Or . . . my best friend sure gets lots of attention, and I feel left out, but I know I’m important, too.shutterstock_47729947

Isn’t it amazing that God knows every thought we think!? He even knows what we’ll think before we think it! He knows when we’re happy or sad, excited or discouraged, when things are going great or when they’re totally not. He knows about your struggles and knows your hopes and dreams. But no matter what’s going on, He wants you to have good thoughts that line up with His word since not only will your heart fill with joy, but that’s when He works the most!

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

So as you go about your day, just catch yourself when you’re thinking wrong thoughts, when they go against your dreams. Let God help you think the right thoughts. Then notice the difference it makes – It’ll be huge! Just try it and see . . . !!

HeartDream Chat  So what’s been on your mind lately? Been thinking a few thoughts you might like to change? Would love to hear!